What we do:

The Snoqualmie Valley Pet Food Bank provides low-income pet owners with pet food the first Wednesday of each month at the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank. We provide pet food to approximately 300 dogs and cats each month - that’s equates to about 2,300 pounds of pet food!
The mission of the Snoqualmie Valley Pet Food Bank is to make a difference in the lives of low-income pet owners by assisting them with pet food to feed their companion animals.
Caring for a dog or a cat, can become difficult and often unmanageable when living on a fixed income. Some people sacrifice their own medical and nutritional needs to keep their pets. Others have to give up their loved ones because they simply are unable to afford to provide for them. A furry friend and companion can make a significant difference in their owners’ lives. Studies show that owning a pet can reduce stress, improve physical and mental health, and most importantly, provide a precious source of love and friendship.
The mission of the Snoqualmie Valley Pet Food Bank is to make a difference in the lives of low-income pet owners by assisting them with pet food to feed their companion animals.
Caring for a dog or a cat, can become difficult and often unmanageable when living on a fixed income. Some people sacrifice their own medical and nutritional needs to keep their pets. Others have to give up their loved ones because they simply are unable to afford to provide for them. A furry friend and companion can make a significant difference in their owners’ lives. Studies show that owning a pet can reduce stress, improve physical and mental health, and most importantly, provide a precious source of love and friendship.
Who we help:

- People with pets currently living on a fixed income
- Residents in the Snoqualmie Valley area in Washington state
- Services are limited up to 3 bags of pet food per household per month
(domestic dogs and/or cats) - Advance sign-up is required
- Don't litter! Please spay or neuter your pets. Valley Animal Partners
can help.